Copyright © 2021 NovAntiqua Records - All Rights Reserved.
A collection of Christmas compositions for voice and organ by neapolitan franciscan friars composers of the XX Century.
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Il contralto Candida Guida e l’organista Francesco Addabbo presentano una vera rarità per gli amanti del repertorio natalizio. Una selezione di composizioni natalizie per voce ed organo di compositori monaci francescani napoletani della prima metà del ‘900 da annoverare tra gli ultimi rappresentanti della scuola napoletana. Candida Guida ha scoperto queste musiche nei vecchi armadi delle parrocchie e delle chiese e li propone in prima esecuzione accompagnata da Francesco Addabbo che ha scelto di eseguirle sull’organo maggiore della Chiesa del Carmine di Napoli, uno strumento che sia musicalmente che simbolicamente rappresenta l’anima del Natale napoletano e che molto raramente si ascolta in disco. E’ un disco che già alle primissime note ci porta nelle splendide atmosfere del Natale napoletano della prima metà del ‘900.
The Contralto Candida Guida and the organist Francesco Addabbo present a real rarity for the admirers of the Christmas Repertoire. A collection of Christmas compositions for voice and organ by franciscan friars composers of the XX Century: the last composers of the “Scuola Napoletana”. Candida Guida searched for them in the archives of the churches in and around Naples. Francesco Addabbo played on the organ of the Chiesa del Carmine, one of the oldest and most important churches of Naples. The Church has 3 Organs, the biggest one has been used in this recording, it's an organ of the XVIII and XIX Century with some interventions of the XX century and is the perfect instruments to create the unique Christmas atmosphere of Naples of the first part of the XX Century.
Booklet: ITA/EN
NovAntiqua Records helps Afghan music students to come and study in Modena, Italy! Let's give them a new opportunity!
Our label started the campaign #aburningviolin and donated all the profits of our webshop between November 1st 2021 and January 15th 2022 to contribute covering their travel and Visa expenses.
The webshop campaign is now over but you can still donate: