Copyright © 2021 NovAntiqua Records - All Rights Reserved.
"La Cosmologie de la Poire" takes us into its fantastic, enchanting and magical universe.
Spese di spedizione gratuite per ordini superiori a € 30,00 per l'Italia
Free shipping costs for orders over € 50,00 for EU and € 70,00 for Extra-EU
“La Cosmologie de la Poire” ci porta nel suo fantastico, incantevole e magico universo. Lasciandosi andare, ci si ritrova in pochi istanti nella foresta di Brocéliande circondato da fate e folletti. Il loro universo è ispirato da musica antica, tradizionale e improvvisata. Il loro suono è semplicemente unico. Il disco d’esordio di questo fantastico quartetto è un’indefinibile capolavoro di fantasia e bravura musicale. Partendo dalla musica antica e popolare e usando tecniche di improvvisazione miste a composizione tradizionale Nicolas Cambon, Anna Fusek, Karsten Hochapfel e Gabi Levasseur offrono all’ascoltatore qualcosa di davvero unico e imperdibile nel panorama musicale.
"La Cosmologie de la Poire" takes us into its fantastic, enchanting and magical universe. In few second you find yourself in the forest of Brocéliande surrounded by fairies and goblins. Their universe is inspired by old, traditional and improvised music. Their sound is simply unique. The debut album of this fantastic quartet is an indefinable masterpiece of fantasy and musical prowess. Starting from ancient and popular music and using techniques of improvisation mixed with traditional composition Nicolas Cambon, Anna Fusek, Karsten Hochapfel and Gabi Levasseur offer to the listener something really unique and unmissable in the musical world.
NovAntiqua Records helps Afghan music students to come and study in Modena, Italy! Let's give them a new opportunity!
Our label started the campaign #aburningviolin and donated all the profits of our webshop between November 1st 2021 and January 15th 2022 to contribute covering their travel and Visa expenses.
The webshop campaign is now over but you can still donate: