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A Kreutzer
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Free shipping costs for orders over € 50,00 for EU and € 70,00 for Extra-EU
Il duo composto da Alessandro Acri al violino e Lorenzo Bevaqua al pianoforte presenta un programma di recital classico composto da due sonate di Beethoven e Brahms e dai quattro pezzi per violino e pianoforte di Anton Webern. I due musicisti approcciano questo repertorio di capolavori mostrando come le nuove generazioni di musicisti siano in grado di affrontare con senso dell’interpretazione e notevoli doti musicali capolavori di questa portata come se questi ultimi fossero “terra vergine” da conquistare con leggerezza e freschezza.
Alessandro Acri (Violin) and Lorenzo Bevacqua (Piano) presents a classical recital program with Sonatas by Beethoven and Brahms and the four pieces for violin and piano by Anton Webern. The two very young musicians are approaching these masterpieces of the repertoire for violin and piano showing how the new generations have the musical and interpretative skills to play it with a kind of freshness and lightness as it would be “new land” to be discovered.
NovAntiqua Records helps Afghan music students to come and study in Modena, Italy! Let's give them a new opportunity!
Our label started the campaign #aburningviolin and donated all the profits of our webshop between November 1st 2021 and January 15th 2022 to contribute covering their travel and Visa expenses.
The webshop campaign is now over but you can still donate: