The new year begins with a couple of...
The new year begins with a couple of news!
We begin ON AIR on Rai Radio3: PRIMO MOVIMENTO presents AHI! AMOURS, the beautiful recording of medieval music by Enea Sorini, recorded with friends among the most specialised collegues on this repertoire such as: Patrizia Bovi, Catalina Vicens, Mauro Borgioni, François Lazarevitch, Corina Marti e Michal Condko.
We go ON AIR again with an interview by Maja Giudici with Domenico Cerasani about the CD "La Bella Franceschina" recorded with Renata Fusco and Massimo Lonardi on RadioInBlu
A very beautiful review about the CD "Ritmico non Ritmico" by Max Fuschetto on IL GIORNALE DELLA MUSICA.
Thanks to the reviewer Guido Festinese who wrote very gentle words about our label and our philosophy.
RITMICO NON RITMICO is Best Recording of the year on ONDAROCK
And we are first on January 10th 2023 ;-)
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