Pianist and composer Oderigi Lusi releases his second album for Novantiqua Records.
"I must have been about 8 or 9 years old when for the first time, together with some of my school friends, we decided to go " 'ngopp o castiell ". I remember that the excitement was already strong on the way there. We talked about what we were going to find and the imagination of us children at that time had no limits. We reached the foot of the tower and the feelings I had were of awe, wonder, amazement and disbelief. We looked all around for hypothetical, imaginative and non-existent treasures and finally decided to play hide and seek. The place was perfect! Over the years, I have returned to the castle several times, always alone. Each time the 'old man of stone' (as I like to call it now) was there to stir 'something' deep inside me. So I decided to tell you about that "something" and those emotions which, like "déjà vu", appeared suddenly and fleetingly in my memory through my "Four Visions for solo piano".
Oderigi Lusi
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