Novantiqua Records stands against the invasion of Ukraine.
"Every human action is a political act."
This conviction is the incipit of our label's manifesto.
No artist of our post-World War II era can consider himself beyond being a citizen of the world. We therefore condemn the Russian invasion as well as all forms of imperialism and violent oppression. We are convinced that even the smallest and most symbolic acts are a contribution to the creation of a movement that in the long run wears down even the strongest of dictators, and that above all important personalities and representatives of culture must stand as an example for millions of people; by not doing so they cowardly place themselves on the side of the wrong.
World War II also changed art. Those who regret the isolationism of art from politics are consciously on the side of an old and stinking idea of onanistic hedonism: the artist and the public must behave as citizens and represent the values they believe in, if they do believe in them!
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