Luculentum on France Musique
Today on France Musique, the classical channel by Radio France, our CD "Luculentum" will be reviewed!
The Luculentum, published in 1568, includes 163 compositions for lute, of which 8 are for two lutes.
The Flemish Pierre Phalèse (c. 1510-c. 1575) was the first publisher to edit extensive anthologies of lute music with pieces by Italian and French lute composers.
The music here selected represents all the musical genres of Renaissance lute composition: fantasies, dances and tablatures, arrangements for lute of famous vocal works.
Here the link to the podcast: https://www.radiofrance.fr/francemusique/podcasts/en-pistes/les-hymnes-de-couronnement-de-handel-par-le-concert-spirituel-2904153
Here the link to Luculentum on our shop: https://www.novantiqua.net/prodotto/Luculentum-Theatrum-Musicum