Hummel & Beethoven (HIP)
Three days of recordings have been scheduled in Sicily during this week.
Mario Sollazzo, with a Schanz fortepiano (1825), available thanks to Ugo Casiglia, and Stefano Zanobini, with a viola (1772) by Gasparo Piattellini, coming from the Sorgentone and Mecatti collection, are recording Hummel's Sonata and Beethoven's Notturno for NovAntiqua, which will be combined with the trio for clarinet, cello and fortepiano by Archduke Rudolph of Austria, with the participation of Augusto Gasbarri and Tommaso Lonquich.
At the end of the recording session Stefano Zanobini and Mario Sollazzo will perform in a concert, which can be followed in live streaming on Saturday 25 November at 5pm from Claudio Casiglia's Facebook account and subsequently on the YouTube channel https://www.youtube. com/@UgoCasiglia.
Below are images of the two magnificent instruments.
Special thanks to https://www.facebook.com/ugo.casiglia, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sorgentone-Paolo-E-Mecatti-Michele/118097358249121, https://www.facebook.com/casigliaclaudio
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